Earlier today my mom, aunt, and grandma were asking if I've ever tried online dating. One of my aunt's first questions was is regards to what age range I have listed in my profile as far as men I'd be willing to date. My rule of thumb has always been that I prefer guys who are at least my age and not younger but that I have no upper age limit. My thought being that I'd hate to cut off at say age 45 in case a great guy who happens to be 46 might be right around the corner.
My aunt thought I was a little loopy and that I should be going for younger guys instead. At 34 I'm hesitant to go for younger guys mainly because most of my friends are between five and ten plus years older than I am so one fear I have is that a younger guy might not be able to relate with my friends who are that much older than he is.
Should age really make a difference? And if it shouldn't matter, are there guys in their late 20s and early 30s interested in a woman in her mid-30s who has friends in their late 30s to mid-40s?
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