Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pilot Boy Is Starting to Man Up!

So I've written about a guy that I've referred to as "pilot boy".

This is a guy who has sent up quite a few red flags.  A guy who, when we initially met via an on-line website, lead me to believe that he's a pilot when he's in fact a flight attendant.   A guy who has, on more than one occasion, made plans to spend time with me in Chicago on one of his lay-overs but then cancelled said plans.  A guy who I noticed had a couple pictures on the profile of his Facebook page with a woman he was especially cozied up to who he finally admitted that he had been in a "long term" relationship with but with whom he has recently broken up with.  A guy that, in the time we've known each other (i.e. been talking via phone, text, Skype and FaceTime), I should have run far and wide from.

But we actually had a good forty-five minute conversation tonight.  He actually manned up and, when I asked a few fairly pointed questions in the interest in knowing the "real him", he answered honestly confirming what I had already surmised / picked up from bits and pieces of various conversations we've had previously that had hinted at some things.  I actually feel like I learned a few things about him and that he may be on the way to manning up and sharing his real self!  I still have my reservations and don't want to fully trust him but I think he's finally on the right track!

It's craziness I tell you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Taking a step away

I've volunteered for my sorority as an alumnae in a variety of roles since graduating college.  After thirteen years in assorted roles, I've decided to take a step back and "retire" from my current volunteer role on our regional team.

I've loved getting to know the women I've met over the years, the experiences I've had and the skills I've developed.  I've enjoyed getting to travel to a number of our chapters as well as to so many regional conferences and international conventions.

But at the same time, I'm ready to take a step back and take more control of my free time.  I'm ready to take a step away from the drama that inherently comes from an all-women's organization.  I'm ready to be rid of what has become an obligation and not a source of enjoyment.

And, as would be the case, some of that aforementioned drama decided to rear it's head less then twenty-four hours after I tendered my "resignation" from this volunteer role which only confirmed that I had made the right decision to take a step away from the craziness.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Virtual Insanity

Facebook, Twitter, email, blogs, assorted website, and the list goes on and on......

Technology is a great thing.  Technology enables us to do so much more in a significantly easier manner.  Yet there are times when I long to return to the "good old days" where we weren't so dependent on technology.  I'm only in my mid-thirties yet the typing class I took in junior high was on (gasp) what would now be called an "old fashioned typewriter"!

How often do we hear "Did you get my text / email / tweet / Facebook post / etc?"  How often are we reliant on these forms of communication to learn what's going on in the lives of those around us instead of picking up the phone to speak with them voice-to-voice or, even better, making plans to see them face-to-face?

As my life has gotten busier and my free time has gotten harder to come by I'm starting to debate how much time I want to spend (aka waste) on technology.  It's amazing how much time I can waste on Facebook and the internet in general.  Time that I could spend reading a book, practicing my violin, or relaxing.

At what point does it become a bit of virtual insanity instead of a tool to enhance our environment?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy Exhaustion

I am fortunate to be in a job that I actually like.  A job that not only pays my bills but one that I look forward to going into every day.  One that I actually WANT to go in early to and / or stay late at because I enjoy what I do every day.

But today was one of those one-off exhausting days.  In addition to our annual audit, we have a major event coming up next week that has everyone beyond their normal busy.  In addition to my normal workload that keeps me on my toes from moment to moment it seems like I've had quite a bit coming my way from a variety of directions.  And while I love the variety and that people come to me to get things done, it ended up being ten minutes shy of an eleven hour day at the office today.  And that doesn't include my drive to and from the office.

Needless to say I've hit the point of happy exhaustion.  The point of being barely awake and ready to be done for the day which says a lot considering I'm a night owl and it's only 9:45 pm.  Despite such a long day, I still love what I do and am looking forward to going back in the morning.  It's such a great feeling to be in such a good position!